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Methods included vulnerable communities bees.

Is intended to include bee colonies is to include a range bees weak to solve a range other weak (or strong), for a range of annexation is a strong one bee can proceed Winter period, without damage them. You may or during flood season that the largest amount of honey and pollen gathering, because the weak community can not adapt to suit her home protected from the cold. As she can not take care of the collection and held her honey crop, pollen, pest resistance and enemies they face.

Steps that must be considered before the annexation process: -

Successfully complete the annexation process must overcome two difficulties important are: -

Bees know the position: as the worker bees outside the hive stored in his memory landmarks that surround the place about his cell to prepare them after work trip outside the hive and know without other cells. Since the annexation process had to transfer to one of the other denominations, you must accustom bees to the place where he was taken.
Smells distinctive communities: Every sect smell excellence solve it from other bees and other denominations do not accept solve any sect enter any bees foreign to analgesic, so that must be overcome this difficulty annexation .. As for how to overcome know bees status is being the following: -

A) If the cells in a row are moving each other toward a distance of no more than two feet every day. ., The cell move this distance does not mislead the bees for a place is so kind, and so every day even become are both adjacent.

B) If the cell to be included far from the place of the other community cell sect In this case, leave one in its place sustainable, and the second locking her door at sunset and the movement of the vicinity of the cell, which will include the sect to. And when dry grass and bees come out and get used to the new place of his community of his community to the other community.

There are many ways to make the process of annexation of the two communities agree or more all in an attempt to overcome the distinctive smell of bees, such as the use of heavy smoking or essential oils, flour, newspapers papers in ... annexation, which we choose the easiest and most commonly used.

Method of annexation bee colonies using newspapers papers: -
  1. Scan denominations to be added and execute the bad Queen or older ones and cell elected her Queen, open and covered room bred newspaper after a few holes in them the work of screw or pin.
  2. Raise the education community, which executed its queen and placed over the newsprint and completely above the previous farming community room closet.
  3. Newsprint is a watershed between the two communities, which bringing together close to each other and merged cell well.
  4. Not to solve the existing rooftop port only holes that paper resorts to loan this paper to expand it out, so the bees existing basement feel bees upstairs movement, may go up to explore an update on analgesic and works in the paper even lend, are intermixing of bee communities gradually and after to be a bee community headlights gained smell community subscripts because the nature of the ventilation air in funds paid from the lower to the upper carrier Fund so the smell of subscripts to the upper caste.
  5. After the annexation process three days open cell and modifies disk drives put discs be arranged so that the best scientific method to arrange wax discs in the beehive. And it is fed nutrition appropriate for the current season. The very best of each different seasons of the year and seasons proper nutrition.
Method of annexation bee colonies severe smoking : -
   And the smoke on the bees and the periods of severe to smoke bees eats a large amount of honey is difficult attic sting as he dazed due to smoking and then transported disks cell that executed its queen to the second cell and shake what remains of the bees in the hive box on embraced the hive, the bees mingle and earns smell one. The effect disappears after smoking.

Use the sugar solution method : -

After getting rid of the Queen of the vulnerable community brood Queen tablets placed me in another cell and then shake the bees in front of both communities cell sprayed with a solution of dilute diabetes bees and enters the cell without having to fight each other because of the different odors. This method is used and in moderate air and see some reservation before Queen perform this operation, then release it after the success of the process two or three days.

Exact use of the annexation of bee colonies method: -

        Shall be conducted in the manner Avafrh or Bertman pierced, where sprayed on the bees in the cells and then bi discs in a new cell developed and Aaltbadl with a space between each disk and another even not taking place fights between worker communities, and closed cell and then Tndv worker bees themselves and mingle to bite without the cohesion and scan cell After two or three days to arrange the wax disks needed by the community.

Annexation season: -
This can be an annexation process at any time as long as there is a need for that, but that is usual during the two seasons, namely: -
In the fall: so that the new range of strong winter period can go safely.
Before the flood season so you powerful new range of collecting a bumper crop of the largest honey collected by the two communities, which are weak.


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